Become a Mentor!

Help the next generation of tech talent with your expertise. Sparing 1-2 hours a week, you can make a difference in the lives of junior software developers.


Share your expertise with the next generation

As a seasoned professional in the technology industry, you have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with the next generation of tech experts. The Tech Expert Academy Mentorship Program is an opportunity for you to make a positive impact and help others achieve their goals.

Growth through Sharing

One-on-one relationships

As a mentor, you will work one-on-one with a mentee, guiding them through the real-world and providing personalized support and feedback. This is a unique opportunity to give back to the community and share your expertise with the next generation of technology professionals.


Some of the benefits of being a mentor in our program include:


  • The opportunity to make a positive impact and help others succeed
  • Opportunities for personal and professional growth as a mentor
  • Access to a network of industry professionals and peers
  • The satisfaction of making a difference in someone’s life and career